Tsumaranai Mono (aka Trivial Things)

You can tell a lot about a person by convincing them to let you into their home and look around for awhile. Oof, did that sound weird-creepy? That was weird-creepy. Let me start over. I’m not a particularly material girl (I don’t hold onto a lot of stuff, Marie Kondo would be very bored here)ContinueContinue reading “Tsumaranai Mono (aka Trivial Things)”

Positano, Italy Photo Series #4

Corri-doors – photo provided by author Photography enthusiast readers — I don’t know why I like this so much, but it gives me that tickle under my skin every time I look at it, so I figured I’d put this one out into the blogo-verse. My hope is that someday I’ll understand technique enough thatContinueContinue reading “Positano, Italy Photo Series #4”

Practicing Photography: A Cat’s Worst Nightmare

Farkle FalkorZoe Jiji Nova To my familiars, Farkle and Zoe: I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. The thing is, you get a new camera, or even just a new camera phone, and there’s a strong, powerful, compelling, irresistible urge to use it. But you’re in your house, on your couch, and there’s only so many shotsContinueContinue reading “Practicing Photography: A Cat’s Worst Nightmare”

Day Trippin’: Algonac and Saint Clair, MI

“Comfort zone is a delusion.”― Fahim Khan When I like something, I like to really like it. I go deep, all-in, especially if it’s something that I’ve been introduced to by someone I treasure. I like to think I surround myself with people of tantalizing taste — they don’t shift with the breezes of the latestContinueContinue reading “Day Trippin’: Algonac and Saint Clair, MI”

Rashomon Series: The Notebook – NOLA

It’s that time again – time for “something a little different”! Inspired by one of my favorite stories, Rashomon, I solicit the thoughts and opinions of others who have tread the same path as me, but (inevitably) they bring a different perspective. End result: you get twice the story. (I’ve successfully wrangled a “second voice”ContinueContinue reading “Rashomon Series: The Notebook – NOLA”

NOLA Photo Series #5

French Quarter – photo provided by author Another notch in the NOLA photo series. I can’t recall ever having a better time just wandering around day after day, no destination in sight, just my camera phone in one hand and a delicious icy cold Hurricane in the other. (Don’t judge.) Shot on iPhone 8, blackContinueContinue reading “NOLA Photo Series #5”

NOLA Photo Series #4

Husband – photo provided by author Bringing back some NOLA vibes, in advance of sharing a story or two about this fantastic journey through one of the best cemetery towns in the states. This is a companion piece to a previous photo I’ve shared, “Wife”. Shot on iPhone 8, black and white filter. Related: OtherContinueContinue reading “NOLA Photo Series #4”