Moving Forward

Whether it’s incredible successes or heart wrenching losses — both of which we tend to experience in any given year or two — there comes a time, amidst your brooding by that old oak tree in your amygdala, as you have been for countless days and nights, pages of your journal open to those oldContinueContinue reading “Moving Forward”

Chai Breaks

Corporate individual contributor (i.e., not management) life is a bit of a topographic map — peaks and valleys, rough mountainous stretches then endless miles of flatlands. Over the past 16 years, I’ve gotten rather skilled at navigating the switchbacks, but really needed to work on managing those moments of nothing-done. I’d so much rather getContinueContinue reading “Chai Breaks”

200 Miles of Yay

It was a favorite kind of day. The kind that starts with a simple 2-hour daytime date to see one of our favorite local musicians and turns into 200 miles of local road-tripping. Complete with amazing conversation with the impeccable company of my favorite person (love you, Danger); a jaunt to my favorite local townContinueContinue reading “200 Miles of Yay”

Juiced Up Cafe

Presenting a new cafe venue with more sound equipment and progressive personality than you can throw a chai tea latte at: Berkley Coffee. Stopped in this weekend to support genius keys player Jarrod Champion and am certain I’ve never seen anything like this coffee-roasting / non-alcoholic bar / event space. My inner theatre sprites areContinueContinue reading “Juiced Up Cafe”

Birth Astride a Grave

One of many New Orleans cemetery stones – circa 2018 – shot on iPhone 8 There’s nothing quite like a birthday to inspire thoughts of one’s eventual deathday. It’s possible this is unique to me, yet I’ve noted a pattern over the years. When I think about my coming into the world, my mind smoothlyContinueContinue reading “Birth Astride a Grave”