Kimonos and Paper Parasols

As much as my visits to see my grandparents in New Jersey planted the seed, it was my grandmother on my father’s side who nurtured the soil and inspired me to see the other side of the world. Grandma and Grandpa H were one of those Edward Albee couples, constantly bickering and jabbing at oneContinueContinue reading “Kimonos and Paper Parasols”

Road Trip Rituals: New Jersey

Over the River and Through the Woods I’m pretty sure this is why it started. You know “it”: that tickle in the gut when you see a picture of a sunset, the lightness of being when you hear a foreign language, the weight in your chest whenever you hear a plane flying above you orContinueContinue reading “Road Trip Rituals: New Jersey”

Let us go then, you and I

That old adage about it not being about the destination but the journey, that’s me. Wandering is where my joy lives. Unplanned, spontaneous, ambling, twisting, serendipitous journeys are my definition of a day well spent … or a week … or an extra few days because I’ve missed my flight due to being distracted byContinueContinue reading “Let us go then, you and I”